Candice Jenkins

My Photo
Location: Nampa, Idaho, United States

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Bruce loves to jump and I just think it is so funny looking.  
He is pretty cute though. 

Check out those ears!  

He got those from his daddy. 


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My Future

Well, I did not get a teaching job this year.  I am a little bummed and the future is uncertain but I do have a plan.  I am going to do this.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Here are the new chickens. Say hello to scrambled eggs, over easy, poached, and hard boiled.

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Not fun.

I spent my whole summer stressed out about my job. I was a first year teacher in my school district and when it is your first year you have no job security. All new to district employees have to reapply for their jobs after the first year. I didn't think this was going to be a problem. I re interviewed with my principal at the end of June and I expected to hear from him the next week or so.

I didn't hear from him until the middle of August and the answer was "no hire."

I was shocked. I had the highest test scores in my grade level, the parents really liked me, and I started and ran a student council. I didn't really know what I was going to do so I started to make plans to run an in home preschool. I had a few other interviews, but I didn't really take anything too seriously.

I got a call last Friday from one of the principals I interviewed with telling me that he won't be able to hire until Tuesday. This really threw me off because it made it sound like he was telling me because he wanted to hire me, so I put my preschool plans on hold.

Tuesday came and I was expecting a call. No call came. Preschool plans were back on.

At 7:00 that evening I finally got a call telling me that he could not hire until Wednesday...hopefully. Preschool plans were on hold.

That is today.

It is funny because I just had a conversation with a woman that I visit teach about following the promptings of the Holy Ghost and seeking Gods will. I feel like I am doing what I can to do that, but it is so unclear.

Sometimes the Lord tests you a little. I feel tested. Not knowing about the future is a scary thing. I like to know what is going on and so I can plan and be prepared. If I get this job I will be starting school in 6 days and I will be teaching 1st grade. Talk about scary. But I know that if I have faith and work hard it will all work out.


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Time for eggs!

We finally finished our chicken coop. There are a few minor things that need to be done, but the structure is done and we are ready to start collecting our own eggs. I never would have though that i would be doing such a thing, but I am. Here is our coop:



Alan went fishing and brought home...

a duck.

I made him take it back.
